Charles Smart
- Director - The Ghost Train
- George Pye - Humble Boy
- Christopher - Rambles on Radio (HCDF Semi Final)
- Christopher - Rambles on Radio (HCDF Quarter Final)
- Christopher - Rambles on Radio (HCDF Round one)
- Feng Shui - Snow White
- Bird - Dearly De-Petted (HCDF Semi Final)
- Bird - Dearly De-Petted (HCDF Quarter Final)
- Bird - Dearly De-Petted (HCDF Round one)
- Director - Hobsons Choice
- Gordon Gosforth - Gosforth’s Fete
- Hippie - Alice in Wonderland
- Louis Harvey - The Ladykillers
- PC Boot - Salad Days
- 25p Man - The 25p Man (HCDF Quarter Final)
- 25p Man - The 25p Man (HCDF Round one)
- Jack Hardy - The Last Bread Pudding (HCDF Semi Final)
- Jack Hardy - The Last Bread Pudding 2017-05-13 2017-02-24
- Producer - The Dark Earth and the Light Sky
- Jack Hardy - The Last Bread Pudding (HCDF Quarter Final)
- Jack Hardy - The Last Bread Pudding (HCDF Round one)
- Urk - Cinderella
- Danny - Ladies Down Under
- Senior Chorus - Old Mother Hubbard
- Dennis - Outside Edge
- Banks - Watchers
- Cleante - Tartuffe - The Hypocrite
- King Richard - Babes in the Wood
- Govis - Terms and Conditions Apply
- Peter Snogood - Terms and Conditions Apply
- Charles Mowbray - Equally Divided
- Chorus - Through the Dark Clouds Shining
- Senior Chorus - Sleeping Beauty