Jason Johns
- Jack Trott - Jack and the Beanstalk
- Gilbert Starling - Between The Lines
- The Tramp - The Last Bread Pudding (HCDF Semi Final)
- Stage Manager - The Last Bread Pudding (HCDF Semi Final)
- The Tramp - The Last Bread Pudding 2017-05-13 2017-02-24
- Stage Manager - The Last Bread Pudding
- The Tramp - The Last Bread Pudding (HCDF Quarter Final)
- Stage Manager - The Last Bread Pudding (HCDF Quarter Final)
- The Tramp - The Last Bread Pudding (HCDF Round one)
- Stage Manager - The Last Bread Pudding (HCDF Round one)
- Archie - Cinderella
- Will - The Visit 2016-09-14 2016-04-14
- Ben - Ladies Down Under
- Tom - Ladies Down Under
- Stage Manager - Ladies Down Under
- Tex Laramie - Old Mother Hubbard
- Senior Chorus - Old Mother Hubbard
- Alex - Outside Edge
- Shadow - Peter Pan the Musical
- Cecco - Peter Pan the Musical
- Bailiff’s Man - Tartuffe - The Hypocrite