Elaine Graham
- Hippie - Alice in Wonderland
- Pirate - Peter Pan the Musical
- Bear - Babes in the Wood
- Stage Manager - Snow White
- Tommy the Cat - Dick Whittington
- Choreographer - Dick Whittington
- Dorothy - Stepping Out
- Buttermilk the Cow (one half) - Jack and the Beanstalk
- The Owl - The Owl and the Pussycat Went to See
- Choreographer - Happy Birthday
- Thelma - Shadows Hiding Shadows Dancing
- Choreographer - Aladdin
- Producer - The Kerry Dance
- May - Canterbury Tales
- Villager - Meeting Bea
- Choreographer - Rapunzel
- Misty - Rapunzel
- Stage Manager - Rumours
- Soldier - Humpty Dumpty
- Rosie - The Donahue Sisters
- Rosie - The Donahue Sisters (HCDF Round one)
- Adult Chorus/Shopkeeper - Cinderella
- Lady Matheson - Separate Tables
- Moll Flounders - Dick Whittington
- Fairy Queen Godmother - Sleeping Beauty
- Lucy Lockit, Dungeon Mistress - Robin Hood
- Cat - Pinocchio
- Zorika - Sing a Song of Sixpence
- Chorus - Sing a Song of Sixpence
- Mother Bear - Goldilocks and the Three Bears
- Fiona - Bus Stop (May Mirth)
- The Princess Pearl - Sinbad the Sailor
- Villager - Lark Rise
- Gipsy - Jack and the Beanstalk